
Posts Tagged ‘verse’

At night, she always heard him sobbing. On the other side of the wall. Soft, rhythmic sobbing like some sort of bizarre lullaby. On the other side of the wall.

She wondered if he knew she heard him. On the other side of the wall. When they were together, his smile brightened her heart’s darkest place, his blue eyes punctured her soul’s strongest spot. But when they weren’t together, there was only his sobbing. On the other side of the wall.

Every time she saw him, she wanted to tell him she knew how he felt. On the other side of the wall. She wanted to scream it to him in her loudest voice. She wanted him to know she understood what happened. On the other side of the wall. She wanted to hold him tighter than a child clutching a bright red balloon he got at the zoo. She wanted to hold him and hold him and hold him and never let go.

But, she wasn’t brave enough. She was afraid he would run away if he knew that she knew his secret. On the other side of the wall.

So, instead she just let his cries sing her to sleep. Every night. On the other side of the wall.


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